Ayori Selassie
Published in
1 min readJun 22, 2020


Please stop using the word train in reference to underrepresented minorities, it presupposes that we require a disproportionate level of education or that we do not develop ourselves. The appropriate word would be invest — you will need to invest in everyone to help them become anti-racist, you will need to invest in others to see and value the unique contributions of URMs, you will need multiple approaches to investment and training and development is only one. Read this https://theselfpreneur.com/national-boredom-was-americas-wake-up-call-to-stand-against-racism-but-leaders-of-wealth-are-slow-281e3a637bcb



Inventor, Engineer, Applied AI Expert, Creator of #LifeModelCanvas | Founder Selfpreneur.com | Co-founder @Boldforce | Founding Advisor @BWIComputing